August 21, 2010

Hahaha! Our flatmates tease me that I'M SINGLE (since Hubby left yesterday for one month vacation) we should be going out anytime we wanted because there's no one to say No..hehehe

Well, i miss him already but somehow i feel glad that he's not around (though he would be checking on me everyday) coz we've got time for our own self. He for sure will enjoy his time with his family likewise i would have more time to read my books or go out with his cousins to a flea market, watch movies at home with no worries that i have to prepare our dinner early because his coming soon or don't have to bother myself if he still have uniforms to wear tomorrow and i don't need to wake up at 5am to prepare his breakfast etc etc... This would be a very relaxing month for me but i will definitely miss the NAUGTHY PANGIT OF ME AND EVERYBODY AT HOME. Everyone seems to miss him already coz there's no one to pester them..hehehe



kimmy said...

so that means YOU'RE on vacation, too, lol!

sheng said...


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