May 3, 2010


Time flies so fast...from a little naughty boy to a big naughty boy and now a naughty husband to me. Can't imagine that I was a part of your life even before you turned 30 and I know I'll be there with you even when your hair turns gray. I thank God that even if the life we had together for the last five years wasn't easy as much as we wanted it to be but having you from those years was more than enough reason to be thankful. 

I'm blessed that even if were not best of friends I know that you love me so much. You may not be the man i dreamed of to spent the rest of my life but in you I've learned to love more than I love myself.

On this day...I pray to God that He will grant us what we've been dreaming......a baby. I long for that day that you'll be a father to a cute little boy/girl.



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